


Our Goal: Zero Harm

Health and safety is fundamental to the way we do business at BlueScope Steel. Our goal is Zero Harm, and we pursue this goal vigorously. Our aim is that anyone entering our sites leaves in the same condition as they arrived.

The following beliefs form the basis for achieving our goal of Zero Harm:

  • Working safely is a condition of employment.
  • Employee involvement is essential.
  • Management is accountable for safety performance.
  • All injuries can be prevented.
  • Training employees to work safely is essential.
  • All operating exposures can be safeguarded.

BlueScope Steel has a comprehensive Occupational Health and Safety Management System which is mandatory in all our operations. Its purpose is to protect the health and safety of our employees, customers, contractors, visitors and the public. The Management System gives substance to our beliefs and outlines how we will achieve our goal of Zero Harm. Under the Management System, Safety Management Standards have been established. Each business is required to demonstrate compliance with these standards.

This system focuses on three basic areas: safe and healthy people, safe systems and a safe and tidy plant. Strong and caring leadership, engaged employees and a robust operating discipline support initiatives in these areas.

BlueScope Steel's safety improvement initiatives have seen a substantial reduction in injuries. We continue to make good overall progress, with many businesses reporting noteworthy health and safety results.

In 2007/08, our Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) was 0.6 (or 0.8, including our recent acquisition), remaining below 1.0 for the fourth consecutive year. This means that we incur less than one injury resulting in lost time for every million hours worked. Our Medically Treated Injury Frequency Rate (MTIFR) was 4.0 (or 6.2 when including our newly acquired businesses), per one million hours worked.

Essential to our health and safety strategy is the ongoing effort to further develop our leaders, as is the continued implementation of risk management practices, behavioural health and safety audits, the reporting of incidents and near misses and the identification and prevention of at risk behaviour and at risk conditions.

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